Kids, costumes and personal pronouns

October 29, 2009

Kids of all ages in a  presugar buzz are determining their costumes for Saturday — as are some “grown ups.”  This includes individual “tweets” asking things like “what are you wearing?” For many Halloween is an evening to become someone else for a night or to pretend — all in good fun.  And we all need lighthearted moments in these challenging times.

Note the use of the word “we” as we all inhabit this planet together.  While we each have crisis moments where the “I” dominates the “we” — we ultimately exist as one people and individual decisions impact the whole.  I am a big proponent of the “we” versus the “I” – to wit.

Observe the following — folks who say things like “my city, my home and my work.” Our favorite conflicted cad of Madmen Don Draper reminded his wife as she referred to “her home” that it is “our home.”  While this all might seem like mere slick nuance, it does impact image and how we are perceived by others. The use of these “personal” pronouns does convey to others how “you” view the world — and ultimately whether you legitimately consider others — or (as the case may be) it is all about only you? (and if it is, I recommend not broadcasting that fact)

Those who say we or our are viewed as inclusive.  Those who lead with I are viewed as self-absorbed.  These small and seemingly insignificant words impact one’s ability to include your public, your customers and your family.  Observe our president “It is not about me, it is about you” as he accepted “his” victory — but to Barrack Obama it was our victory and that is why day-in day-out he is generally loved.  Let’s face it — even those whom don’t agree with his politics — find him a hard guy not to admire.  Why? because it is about us.

So, as you dress for Halloween (or not) .. consider that the  costume may change you for one night, but your use of personal pronouns impacts how others respond to you.  While we may sometimes feel alone, we excel through collaboration — we can only lead if there are folks that follow —

when you need help — positioning yourself, your company or your life — call me — and we will work through it together.

going as myself for Halloween


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